
perhaps you can get that person in a chocolate workshop.

It comes as no surprise that people on the average gain five more pounds over the holiday season. The holiday season, with the number of parties held between Christmas and New Year, is also known as the perfect time to overindulge on good food and fine wine. Anyone who regularly celebrates Christmas with chocolates, mince pies, mulled wine and roast potatoes would know that the season calls for staying warm through eating and drinking alcohol. Christmas presents like boxes of chocolates, stocking fillers like Rolos do not help either.

In most homes, it is tradition to have an extra special Christmas dinner. This is like the main event every Christmas because it is also the time to exchange gifts and celebrate the occasion through having a feast. Normally, this feast calls for stuffed turkey with cranberry sauce and Brussel sprouts. If you think this tradition is getting quite old and boring, you can actually spice it up a notch by giving unusual and original gifts. The day will certainly be a lot more fun if everybody gets experience gifts. If your home maker is tired of being at home all day every day, it might be the perfect time to get away from it all. If your bank account allows it, have a white Christmas by a white sand beach. It will also be the perfect time to rekindle that romance through a trip for two to Paris. Those who cannot afford such luxuries can still have a wonderful time with other experience gift packages. If you want the traditional Christmas dinner to change a bit, why don you give the home cook some cooking lessons? This gift can even benefit the entire family. You can also choose to be a lot more traditional and get a recipe book for pudding or a cook book with traditional dishes. An alternative gift would be a gift box for a vegetable patch or herbs. Chocoholics can indulge their craving with a chocolate pizza. If he or she enjoys making desserts, perhaps you can get that person in a chocolate workshop.

Christmas presents should not always be items or material things. In fact, experiences tend to be more unforgettable than mere items. Also, a few of those gifts can even be good for the whole family. The Christmas tradition, as people know it, actually comes from traditions in other countries. That doesn mean it can never change because you can always make your own unique family tradition.

